I’m Jerry Michalski. My outboard Brain lives here, online (where you can find multiple explanatory videos).
My Brain is represented in a concept-mapping application created by TheBrain, a company based in Los Angeles. (Disclosure: I’m an advisor to TheBrain.)
I’ve been using TheBrain since it first came out in December of 1997, and as of March 2024 have over 572,000 Thoughts (nodes) in this one Brain, interconnected by over 1,120,000 links. All entered by hand. Yes, it’s the world’s largest.
Imagine if the bookmarks you struggle to maintain in your browser were all woven into a rich context, easily accessible and editable. That’s a glimpse of what this is.
Some notes and caveats:
I haven’t met all the people listed in my Brain; this is not my LinkedIn profile.
All errors are mine, I make no claim of completeness or accuracy.
I don’t get rid of dead URLs because the Wayback Machine lets me revive them.
I’d love to hear your comments, improvements and corrections. Email me here, or Tweet me @jerrymichalski
Good starting points:
A short screencast of me explaining my Brain. Definitely begin here.
Lessons Learned from My Brain as a 30-minute speech and a Brain node.
Thanks for visiting. I hope you found my Brain useful. If you have any ideas on how I could make it more useful to the world, I’m all ears.